Our Core Values: Compassion | Fortitude | Honour | Mastery | Adventure | Leadership
Our Core Values: Compassion | Fortitude | Honour | Mastery | Adventure | Leadership

Timiza Book Drive

From the Chaplain’s Desk: Timiza Book Drive

78% of students in Kenya did not have access to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, meaning that many children were at home for anindefinite amount of time without much to engage their intellectual minds.

Despite the recent reopening of schools, this remains a harsh reality for many. This was the driving force behind Dani Dana’s (Year 11) Book Drive that she coined Timiza Book Drive.

Over the September Term 2020 and part of the January Term 2021, Dani rallied theSchool community to participate in this earnest cause to make the learning environment that much better for students in Kawangware. Students, Parents and Staff Members were asked to donate text books, children’s books and even dictionaries.

In February 2021, accompanied by the School Chaplain, Dani Dana delivered on her promise. She delivered box loads of books to the students of Desai Primary School in Kawangware.

This exemplary show of caring for your neighbour is what being a Rusinga Student is all about. It was also a wonderful embodiment of one of our 6 Core Values-Compassion; which will be our theme for next term. As Christians, we are encouraged to love our neighbours as we love ourselves (Matthew 22: 35-40). By doing this we areable to experience the fullness of our faith and mirror what Jesus Christ taught us.

We encourage all students to take part in Community Service activities either throughthe Community Service Club, Interact Club or develop one’s own initiatives that will help the community. It is through such initiatives that our students grow in character and develop leadership abilities. It is also one way students discover their purpose.

Timiza Book Drive by Dani Dana, Year11

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm; ploughing its way through countries and changing the face of our world possibly forever. With it has come numerous challenges and rapid changes in societal operations, education being one of the most affected areas. As J.K Rowlingonce said, “Something very magical can happen when you read a goodbook”. This, coupled with my desire to serve, inspired me to start a bookdrive to get quality books to those in need. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to deliver the books to the Desai School and look into the eyes of the young gatekeepers of the untold stories neatly compiled on paper.

My hope for this project is simple: I wish that every child would find inspiration in any of the books they dare to open, be transported to another dimension. I hope that in a time of need, a book would act as an escape from the often harsh realities of everyday life. But most of all, Ihope they put a smile on their faces, acting as a constant reminder of the good around them as they grow.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The one who never reads,lives only once” ~George Martin