Our Core Values: Compassion | Fortitude | Honour | Mastery | Adventure | Leadership
Our Core Values: Compassion | Fortitude | Honour | Mastery | Adventure | Leadership

Prep School

Deepening The Roots

Your child is anchored through a nurtured connection between the parents, teachers and child

Prep School Overview

The Prep School caters for pupils aged 6-11 years. This section consists of Key Stage 1 for ages 5 – 7 Years and Key Stage 2 for ages 7 – 11 Years


Core Subjects:

Reports are given at the end of each term and Parents’ and Teachers’ Consultation Meetings are held in the January Term. However, parents are free to come in and speak to the class tutor to enquire about their child’s progress.

September/ Fall Term

  • Parents Orientation Meeting
  • Christmas Musical
  • Community Service- Visit to a childrens’ home

January/Winter Term

  • Sports day
  • Teacher-Parents Consultation

April/Spring Term

  • Kindergarten Graduation

The children have school lunch together, assisted by the teachers and a menu is provided at the start of term for the parents to know what we eat at school. We encourage the children to display good table manners and to tidy up after meals.

Other Foundational Subjects:

Art and Design,
Physical Education,

German and Christian Religious Education.

Pastoral Care

In addition to academic excellence, places strong emphasis on the Moral and Spiritual Development of the child. Every day begins with devotion either within a tutor group or in a collective school assembly.

We take all reasonable measures to ensure that risks of harm to your child’s welfare are minimised. We also exercise all appropriate actions to address concerns about the welfare of your child and other children, working under local policies and procedures in full partnership with other agencies and law enforcement.

Our academic year begins in September.

Parent to fill out an Admissions Application Form and attach supporting documents.

The student is then invited to Rusinga Schools for formal or informal assessments.

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